How to Write Your Own Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): A Step-by-Step Guide with 5 Best Free Tools [Templates & Examples]

Learn how to write your own SOP with our comprehensive step-by-step guide. Discover the 5 best free tools and templates to streamline your SOP creation process.
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Xuan Pang
Updated: 09/28/2024

Are you facing challenges in maintaining consistency and standardization in your business processes?

Do you often encounter errors, delays, or misunderstandings due to unclear instructions?

Are you struggling to train new employees efficiently and ensure they follow established protocols?

If so, these can be effectively addressed by implementing SOP documents. SOPs help streamline operations, minimize errors, enhance productivity, improve training processes, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

In this article, we are going to guide you through the process of writing your own SOPs and empower you with the 5 best free softwares, along with several useful templates and examples to simplify the SOP creation process and enhance your productivity.

What is an SOP document?

An SOP document, short for Standard Operating Procedure, is a detailed written guide that outlines the step-by-step instructions to perform a specific task or process within an organization. It serves as a reference tool for employees, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and adherence to established protocols. SOP documents provide clear instructions, rules, and guidelines to help employees carry out their duties effectively, maintain quality standards, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. By documenting best practices and standardizing procedures, SOPs contribute to improved productivity, streamlined operations, and enhanced overall performance.

Benefits of SOP Documents:


  1. Consistency and Standardization: SOPs ensure that tasks and processes are consistently performed according to established standards, reducing errors and promoting uniformity in operations.
  2. Increased Efficiency: SOPs provide clear instructions and guidelines, helping employees carry out their tasks more efficiently, reducing time wastage, and optimizing workflow.
  3. Training and Onboarding: SOPs serve as valuable training resources for new employees, enabling them to quickly grasp procedures and perform their roles effectively, ensuring a smooth onboarding process.
  4. Compliance and Risk Management: SOPs ensure compliance with industry regulations, safety standards, and legal requirements, minimizing risks, maintaining regulatory compliance, and mitigating liabilities.

SOP Templates & Examples:

1.Employee Onboarding: A crucial SOP that outlines the process of welcoming and integrating new employees into the organization. It includes steps for paperwork completion, orientation sessions, and introductions to key team members, ensuring a smooth transition and alignment with company policies and culture.


2.Quality Control: An essential SOP that defines the procedures and guidelines for conducting quality checks on products or services. It ensures consistency, adherence to quality standards, and the identification of any deviations or defects, helping maintain customer satisfaction and brand reputation.


3.Project Management: A widely used SOP that encompasses the entire project lifecycle, from initiation to closure. It provides a structured approach to planning, executing, and monitoring projects, ensuring clear roles, responsibilities, and timelines, resulting in improved project outcomes and effective resource utilization.


Steps for Writing an Effective SOP:


  1. Identify the Process: Determine which process or task you want to document with an SOP. Clearly define the scope and objectives of the process.
  2. Gather Information: Collect all the relevant information about the process. This may include observing the process in action, interviewing subject matter experts, reviewing existing documentation, and analyzing data.
  3. Define the Steps: Break down the process into clear and logical steps. Start with the initial step and continue sequentially until the final step. Ensure that each step is specific, actionable, and easy to understand.
  4. Document Procedures: Write detailed instructions for each step of the process. Include the necessary information, such as tools, resources, inputs, outputs, and any safety or quality considerations. Use clear and concise language.
  5. Review and Revise: Share the draft SOP with relevant stakeholders, such as process owners, managers, and employees involved in the process. Gather feedback and make revisions as necessary to ensure accuracy and clarity.
  6. Formatting and Standardization: Format the SOP document in a consistent and user-friendly manner. Use headings, subheadings, numbering, and bullet points to organize the content. Ensure that the document follows the organization's SOP template and style guidelines.
  7. Approval and Implementation: Obtain approval from the appropriate authority or department responsible for SOPs. Communicate the finalized SOP to the relevant individuals or teams, and ensure that they understand and follow the documented procedures.
  8. Periodic Review and Updates: SOPs should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect any changes in the process, technology, regulations, or best practices. Set a schedule for reviewing and updating SOPs to ensure their relevance and effectiveness. Now, are you ready to create your own SOP document? Look no further! We are going to introduce you to the 5 best free SOP tools that will revolutionize the way you develop and manage your standard operating procedures.

SOP Software Recommendations:



AFFiNE is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting, and creating all together in the workspace. It offers a range of powerful features that enhance productivity, with its fantastic whiteboard being a standout feature.

Key features:

  1. Local first approach: One of the key strengths of AFFiNE is its support for offline working. This means you can create and work on your SOPs at any time, even when you don't have an internet connection. This flexibility allows you to capture your ideas and thoughts whenever inspiration strikes, ensuring that no brilliant idea goes to waste. Additionally, AFFiNE prioritizes data security, keeping your information safe and private. You can download the stable version and give it a shot.
  2. Free, Privacy First, and Open-Source: AFFiNE is available as a free tool, making it accessible to anyone who wants to boost their productivity with SOPs. It prioritizes privacy, ensuring that your data remains secure and confidential. Furthermore, as an open-source platform, AFFiNE provides the advantage of customization. Users have the freedom to tailor the tool to their specific needs and preferences, enhancing the overall user experience. Try it online: AFFiNE:There can be more than Notion and Miro.
  3. Shifting between two modes: You start in the whiteboard, freely connecting and arranging your thoughts, creating a visual representation of your SOPs. However, as you delve deeper into a particular subtopic, you realize the need to capture more detailed information. This is where shifting to page mode becomes beneficial, which allows you edit the detailed information in a more linear manner by shifting to page mode. More surprisingly, AFFiNE can also allow you to insert Database into the SOPs! This versatility allows you to explore your ideas in both a high-level overview and granular detail, ensuring a comprehensive representation of your thoughts. (See examples below)



For more things related to AFFiNE, come and check out the website: AFFiNE — All In One KnowledgeOS



ClickUp is a powerful project management and collaboration tool that allows teams to streamline their workflows and stay organized. With ClickUp, teams can effectively manage their SOP development process and ensure smooth communication and collaboration.

Key features:

  1. Task Management: ClickUp offers robust task management capabilities, allowing you to create, assign, and track tasks related to your SOPs. You can set due dates, add attachments, create checklists, and set dependencies to ensure smooth workflow management.
  2. Document Collaboration: With ClickUp, you can collaborate with team members in real-time on SOP documents. Multiple users can simultaneously edit and comment on the same document, fostering collaboration and ensuring everyone stays on the same page.
  3. Workflow Automation: ClickUp provides automation features to streamline your SOP processes. You can automate repetitive tasks, trigger actions based on specific events, and set up custom workflows to enhance efficiency and productivity.


3.Microsoft Word:


Microsoft Word is a widely used word processing software that provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating and editing documents. It offers advanced formatting options, templates, and collaboration features that make it a popular choice for creating SOPs. With Microsoft Word, you can easily structure and format your SOPs and collaborate with team members on the same document.

Key features:

  1. Formatting and Styling Options: Microsoft Word offers a wide range of formatting and styling options to create visually appealing SOPs. You can customize fonts, colors, headings, and apply styles to ensure consistency throughout the document.
  2. Template Library: Microsoft Word provides a rich collection of SOP templates that you can use as a starting point for creating your own. These templates offer predefined sections and formatting, making it easier to structure your SOPs.
  3. Track Changes and Comments: Collaborative editing in Microsoft Word allows users to track changes made to the document and add comments. This feature facilitates review processes, enabling team members to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.




Key features:

  1. Real-time Collaboration: Nuclino enables real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on SOPs simultaneously. You can see changes in real-time and communicate with team members through comments and mentions, promoting effective collaboration.
  2. Document Organization: Nuclino provides a hierarchical organization structure for documents, allowing you to create folders, subfolders, and pages to categorize your SOPs. This makes it easier to navigate and find relevant documents as your SOP library grows.
  3. Rich Content Editor: The rich content editor in Nuclino allows you to add various elements to your SOPs, including text, images, videos, tables, and code snippets. This flexibility allows you to create comprehensive and visually appealing SOP documents.


5.Google Docs


Key features:

  1. Cloud-based Collaboration: Google Docs operates entirely in the cloud, enabling seamless collaboration among team members. Multiple users can edit a document simultaneously, and changes are automatically saved in real-time.
  2. Version History: Google Docs keeps track of version history, allowing you to review and restore previous versions of your SOPs. This feature provides an audit trail and allows you to revert back to earlier versions if needed.
  3. Integration with Google Workspace: Google Docs integrates with other Google Workspace applications, such as Google Drive, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. This integration facilitates easy access to related documents, data, and presentations for comprehensive SOP development.


ConclusionWriting effective SOPs is crucial for businesses to ensure standardized procedures, improved productivity, and consistent outcomes. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can confidently create SOPs tailored to your organization's needs.

Additionally, leveraging the right tools can greatly enhance your SOP development process. We have explored some of the best free tools available, including AFFiNE, ClickUp, Microsoft Word, Nuclino, and Google Docs. These tools offer a range of features to simplify the creation, collaboration, and management of SOPs.

Particularly, AFFiNE has released its stable version, but we are continuing to build to a more feature-rich and stable build. Come and join us on our journey over on our media platforms.